Parku Kombëtar “Llogara”: Metodat e identifikimit të moshë së drurëve pyjor

Stafi i AdZM Vlorë, bashkë me dashamirës të natyrës dhe organizata mjedisore lokale, zhvilluan në kuadër të ditës së shpalljes së Parkut Kombëtar “Llogara”, një aktivitet mjedisor. Kjo është një ditë shumë e rëndësishme për të treguar rëndësinë që kanë drurët pyjorë në shërbimet e ekosistemit të PK dhe detyrën për ruajtjen e trashëgimnisë natyrore […]

Terms of Reference: Expert for Monitoring Training for the indicator species

The National Agency of Protected Areas, through the PONT Grant on the Water /Terrestrial Protected Landscape of Pogradeci Lake following the operational plans agreed for this protected area, is committed to monitoring indicator species as a key component of overall management of the protected areas as also raised during the METT Assessment for all the […]

Terms of Reference: Expert for Habitat and Species Monitoring for Shebenik National Park

The National Agency of Protected Areas, through the PONT Grant on Shebenik National Park, following the operational plans agreed for this protected area, is committed to enhance the monitoring of key habitats and species as a key component of overall management of the protected area. To ensure the effectiveness of our conservation efforts, we are […]

Terms of Reference: Expert for Strategic Conservation Initiatives: Action Plan and Protocols for Priority Habitats and Species

The National Agency of Protected Areas, through the PONT Grant on the Albanian Alps National Park, following the operational plan agreed for this protected area, is committed to monitoring and conserving indicator species as a key component of overall management of the protected area along with the key habitats. To ensure the effectiveness of our […]

The Phase ll of the International Competition for Design of “Multifunctional Center and Information Stations” for the Vjosa Wild River National Park

The 2nd Phase of the International Competition for Design of “Multifunctional Center and Information Stations” for the Vjosa Wild River National Park The 2nd Phase of the International Competition for the Design, launched by @ministria_turizmit_mjedisit and @akzmalbania, focused on creating the “Multifunctional Center and Information Stations” for the Vjosa Wild River National Park is currently […]

Shortlisted Candidates for Phase 1 of the International Competition for the Design of the Multifunctional Center and Information Stations of the “Vjosa River” National Park

After carefully evaluating all the candidates for the International Design Competition for Vjosa Wild River National Park initiated by the Ministry of Tourism and Environment of Albania and the National Agency of Protected Areas, we are happy to announce the three shortlisted architectural studios as below: 1. CEBRA A/S & Arup International Projects Limited & […]

International Competition for the Design of the Multifunctional Center and Information Stations of the “Vjosa River” National Park

INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE | International Competition for the Design of the Multifunctional Center and Information Stations of the “Vjosa last wild river” National Park  Dear participant, The Ministry of Tourism and Environment of Albania and the National Agency of Protected Areas have the pleasure to announce the International Competition for the Design of the Multifunctional […]


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Instagram: @akzmalbania
Twitter: @akzmalbania


Adresa: Bulevardi “Dëshmoret e Kombit” Nr.1,1001,Tirane
E hënë – E enjte 08:00 – 16:30
E Premte 08:00 – 14:00