The National Agency of Protected Areas organizes the public consultation on the presentation of the “Integrated Management Plan for the Vjosa River National Park” and on the process of declaring the Vjosa Biosphere Reserve, UNESCO

The National Agency of Protected Areas organizes the public consultation on:

1. Presentation of the “Integrated Management Plan for the Vjosa River National Park”;
2. Program “Man and Biosphere” | UNESCO.

1. The Integrated Management Plan for the Lumi Vjosa National Park was drawn up by national and international experts, within the Memorandum of Understanding, signed by the Ministry of Tourism and Environment and the Patagonia Society in collaboration with IUCN.
The Integrated Management Plan is the basic document for the conservation and development of the protected area and is implemented by the administration of the protected areas. This plan was drawn up based on Law No. 81/2017 “On protected areas”, amended by Law No. 21/2024 “On some additions and changes to Law No. 81/2017 “On protected areas”, as well as amended according to Minister’s Order No. 148, dated 21.02.2013 “For the Approval of the standardized structure of the Management Plan of the Environmentally Protected area” and has a 10-year validity.
The integrated plan is composed of six chapters listed as follows, which will be presented and addressed during the public consultation with interest groups in three counties (Fier, Vlorë, Gjirokastër):
A.    Management Plan
B.    Zoning of the protected area
C.    Ecological Study
D.    Socio-Economic Analysis
E.    Financial Plan
F.    Tourism Master Plan

2. Man and the biosphere | UNESCO, River Vjosa National Park, “Presentation of the process of declaring the Vjosa Biosphere Reserve”.
After more than a year since Vjosa was declared a National Park, its values ​​and importance bring to attention another opportunity to recognize Vjosa at the world level. The staff of the Ministry of Tourism and Environment and the National Agency of Protected Areas have started work on the preparation of the application file of Vjosa, now in the Biosphere Reserve category, part of the “Man and Biosphere” program of UNESCO.
Through the approach of strengthening the sustainable interaction between communities and the environment, the process aims to give a direction to the development of the Vjosa Valley. A biosphere reserve should represent the biogeographic qualities of the area and the importance for biodiversity. For this purpose, in the conditions where it is important that the area has a stable governance structure and a genuine management plan to preserve nature, develop the economy and support local communities, the hearings for this project will continue in the coming months.

Participants’ suggestions and comments on the “Integrated Management Plan for the Vjosa River National Park” and the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve declaration process are welcome during the public consultations that will be organized according to the following calendar:

22.05.2024, 10:00 a.m., Fier Prefecture
22.05.2024, 12:30, Palace of Culture, Vlora
23.05.2024, 11:00, Çajupi Hotel, Gjirokastër

Previous Korça Environmental Protected Areas Management Committee is held


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Adresa: Bulevardi “Dëshmoret e Kombit” Nr.1,1001,Tirane
E hënë – E enjte 08:00 – 16:30
E Premte 08:00 – 14:00